Monique Padilla's Lupus Survivor Story

it started when i was 12, i was only a little girl with major goles in my life. i wanted to be the first female in the NBA. but then one night it all started with me having pains in my wrist and knee. i thought it was only because i had been playing soccer n' had a big game that day. then that same night around midnight i woke up screaming and crying because the pain was so bad. well they thought i had "cancer" but two months later and after being in the ER every weekend i found out it was SLE.

about a few months later... i still had been dealing with alot of pain, it was so bad i couldn't even go to school or walk or pretty much do anything. i had been in and out of the hospital months at a time. then one day the pain got so bad and they had me on a morphine drip, and that wasn't even helping the pain. the doctors wanted to send me home to pretty much lay down to rest... more like pass away at home but my mother wasn't having it. she found STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER and they had me on a plane with in 24 hours heading out there.

about two years later, i found out that the lupus was affecting my heart. i've had three open heart surgs. from it. and also in third class kidney failure. i've had six near deaths but i'm still living strong and now i'm 19 and trying to live a normal life. yes it still effects me here and there but i've learned to deal with it and not let it deal with me.

yes i do have lupus but lupus doesn't have me. thank you so much for letting me get some of this out to the open and the world. if you would like to ask or talk to me about thing you can always write me an email [] or even write me on myspace [].


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